Welcome to Couples Coaching!

As a licensed therapist and professor of social work, I am passionate about helping couples create blissful and sustainable relationships. Through my many clients I've worked with over the last 17 years, we've developed tools that can allow you and your partner to truly create the love you deserve.

We will work together to set measurable relationship goals that are specific to your relationship needs. I've developed interventions grounded in evidenced-based strategies proven to establish and maintain healthy satisfying relationships.

Whether you are married or thinking about getting married, I can offer my coaching services to help you find clarity about yourself and your partner so that you can grow stronger together. The key is to make the commitment to do what's best for the relationship.

The first step in transforming your relationship is to complete the short intake form below. Then we will schedule a free 20 minute pre-coaching live video interview so that we can get to know each other before proceeding with the coaching program.

Intake Form

Please complete the information below. I will contact you to schedule the 20 minute pre-coaching consultation.